Friday, December 16, 2005

Randal. What an asshole.

I thought I'd heard about the most selfish behavior to come out of reality/game show TV land yet when I hear about the bitch on Survivor who wouldn't give up her car so four others could have one. And yet, at least there's something to her selfishness. She got a CAR. It's not easy to give up a big hunk o' American metal.

But last night? Randal? What a fucking asshole. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about last night's finale to The Apprenctice, where Trump hand plucked one final person to come work for him. They'd been hinting all season that the finale could be different. There were multiple firings this season, and they'd never really portrayed both final candidates in such a good light. I don't know if it was editing, or if both final candidates were as competent and decent as they were shown to be, but it was different alright. But, of course, Trump has to pick just one. So he does. He picks smarty-pants Randal. That's all good. But then -- WAIT! Don't celebrate with abandon yet, Randal. Sit back down and answer one question. So Donald asks him, "Should I also hire Rebecca?" (that's the other finalist.) So what's Randal say?

Emphatically: NO!! Because he wants to be the SOLE, LONE apprentice.

What a fucking jackass!

At least the car bitch would've had to sacrifice something in her case. What would Randal have sacrificed to also let this other person have a high-paying job with Trump -- NOTHING. NOTHING.

A selfish decision based solely on ego.

I repeat, what a fucking jackass.

Of course, The Donald must love it, cause it stirs up talk for his show, like I just did. But it still makes him a jackass by association. And yet, I watched, because what the fuck else was there?

I can't wait for HBO to start up a new season of something. March will bring The Sopranos. But we've just wrapped up Larry David's latest season, and it looks to be a long, cold winter without much good entertainment on the tube.


Myfanwy Collins said...

I fell asleep and missed the end of this. WHAT a jerk for doing that to her! boooo!!!

SusanD said...

Collins! Yes, he's a tool. But hey, he's not working for me!