Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Better days to come

Ok. I'm a sucky blogger. I admit this fault and apologize. However, we will have some pretty cool stuff coming up soon.

I met another really cool and extremely funny and quite talented writer this past weekend at a book signing we both attended. In his words, it was the " the largest unpublicized gathering of the most regional authors in one place at one time anywhere, ever!"

And that about sums up the event.

But I did get to meet the funny guy, and his name is William Vitanyi and his book, Kyuboria is sure to please anyone who's ever held down a cubicle job. I'll be having a feature on him in a short amount of time.

Also coming up we're going to talk to my pal and future hotshot writer Don Capone. I just finished reading his latest novel and it's smashing. He's got a great new story up now at Word Riot.

Until these things get in order though, why not pop over to Small Spiral Notebook and check out Steve Hansen's review of Paula Martin Morell's broken water.

Thanks for your patience.

And please don't forget about 24/7 at Fictionwise. I've been told that if I get some high scores posted, it'll help sales. And I really need help with sales. So if you're a sport and you're willing to tag my book with a "great" rating, drop me a line and in return I'll send you a Fictionwise gift certificate to get the book FOR FREE.

Thanks. We'll talk again soon.

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